Monday, October 30, 2006

I'm Going to the ROSE PARADE!!!!!!!!!!!

I just got a Fedex from Lucasfilm no less stating that I've been confirmed as a marching trooper in the 2007 Rose Parade!!! Bwahahahahahahahaha!!!

Dun dun dun dun dun dun... Hey!!! Dun dun dun dun dun dun... Hey!!! (running man...running man...) ahuh ahuh....

3000 applicants and I'm one of 2 lucky buggers in Singapore who gets picked! Be assured that Darth Binky will be there the REPRESENT! Woohoo!!!

Just so you wouldn't think I was kidding...

These are some of the ones that did not make the cut... We still however stand by the fact that we have the cutest baby in the world... but even extreme cuteness can have an off day. ;-)

Shazam!!! Jaina is 7 Months Old!!!

This is a timely post. :-) After 3 months plus of inactivity the initiative to post has struck again. Our little bundle of joy has blossomed from a teeny 2.71 kg to a whopping 6.75kg! Yes! The little one now officially weighs more than a bag of rice. Along with the fantastic growth is an amazing amount of facial expressions...

This was all the more apparent when we decided that the time had come for us to apply for a passport for our little tike. Thank the Lord for digital cameras... After countless failed mugshots we finally came to the one that you see. sigh... Our little girl...