Tuesday, September 22, 2009

JSTDT - Happy Teachers' Day

Now with Jaina schooling and all, I realised that I should put in more effort in preparing Jaina to show adequate appreciation for her teachers. As an educator myself, I feel that appreciation should be a daily thing but definitely and especially on Teachers' Day!!

So concerned mum here bought 3 flowers for Jaina's main teachers and planned to dedicate 1 hour that night to prepare Jaina on how she should present the flowers the next day.

So we all sat down on the bed and I took a flower and told Jaina that we will role-play to practise what to say.

Mummy: Ok, pretend that you're Teacher Lilian and I'm you. This is what I will say when I give Teacher Lilian the flower. "Happy Teachers' Day, Teacher Lilian".

Jaina: Thank you! (She really got into her role.)

Mummy (laughs): Now, Mummy is going to be Teacher Lilian and you will be you. What are you to say?

Jaina: Happy Teachers' Day, Teacher Lilian.

Mummy: Clever girl!!

Jaina: You didn't say "Thank you"!

Mummy: Right...Thank You. Ok, now we practise for 小云老师 ok? So you are now 小云老师 and I am you again. I'll say "小云老师,教师节快乐!"

Jaina: Thank you!

Mummy: Er, I don't think 小云老师 will say "Thank you" right?

Jaina (laughs): 谢谢.

Mummy: CLEVER!! So now I'm 小云老师 and you are you. What would you say?

Jaina: 小云老师...er...

Mummy (encouragingly): Yes...? Good...

Jaina: NAH!!

Both Shawn and I burst out laughing!! Jaina laughed too because she knew she did a boo-boo...

I supposed "nah" is a word in the universal language. Oh well, at least the words "小云老师" are said pretty clear.