Thursday, May 25, 2006

Jaina's Maiden Swim

Wanted to bring Jaina to swim at my dad's condo after last Sunday Mass and we woke up to a beautiful morning...

Having said that, bringing a kid to Mass means that we have to wake up even earlier just to be ready and on time for the Lord. So that is to say we had no time to admire the beautiful morning God made for us...hee...

Thus, our weekly Sunday ritual begins with a mad dash to the loo before Jaina fuses. Followed by either a feeding or a bath time, depending on the time. If it's too early, can't bathe. “Later got wind,” says my grandma. Then another mad scramble to put ourselves in order so that we don't look like crap going to church when our precious one is so nicely put together by my grandma. Hee...

After church usually means lazing at home, more like hubby lazing and me packing my never-done-packing home. And then it rained!!!!!

Last Sunday was a little different as I wanted to bring Jaina swimming in her NEW bikini!! When I bought it, I chose this colour that really resembled one that I own. This way, we can be the matching-mother-and-daughter icon in the pool. Haha...

You grand lofty idea was to go swimming earlier so as to catch some sun. But by the time we are done leaving the house, it was late afternoon. And by the time we reached my dad's place, changed to hit the waters, it was closer to evening. Thus, it was fair to say that the water was not warm. Still, with so much preparation into making this swimming event possible thus far, I was determined to make her touch the water!! Even if it was going to last one good minute!!

My darling little mermaid had this perpetual look of shock when I lowered her into the cold water as she had been so accustomed to bathing in nice warm water all this while. Her already big eyes grew even wider as I lowered her all the way till her chest. Hee... At least my brave little mermaid didn't cry her lungs out, so the 3 swimming coaches nearby did not cast looks of distain in my direction.

I must say our first maiden swim went pretty well!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

We've got the Cutest Baby in the WORLD!!!!

Seriously lah. I can't keep it inside anymore. I was carrying her today and was trying to burp her when she just kinda looked up at me and I had to stop myself from squeezing the stuffing out of her... She's just SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE!!!!!!!! I had to pass her to my mom to save her life.

To justify I've compared her to alot of babies I've seen in magazines and I think she beats them flat! :P I don't care....

Jaina had her head shaved after Labour Day!! Not that it was in conjunction with Labour Day or anything like that, it just so happened.

The decision was made by my mum-in-law one morning and the shaving was carried out soon after, during Jaina's nap. The finished product is kinda weird at first, not that Jaina had a whole mob of hair to start out with but with that little bit gone, it's a funny look.

And then, it hit me. My baby looked like a monk!! REALLY!! Please view Exhibit B.

But having said that, Jaina is the cutest monk around! Honestly, have you seen a cuter monk around? Hee...
When babies dream...

I read in a book somewhere that research has shown that babies are capable of dreaming from the time they are in your womb. So, it's no wonder that they can also be dreaming during their sleep when they are born.

Well, Jaina DEFINITELY dreams during her sleep. How I know? That's because sometimes, she'll smile suddenly in her sleep. And I know she can't be smiling at me as her eyes are closed the whole time. Her smiles will disappear as abruptly as they come though, so can't really capture a picture to show you want I mean. And of course, there're times when she'll suddenly cry in her sleep and then, just as without warning, return to la la land.

Which makes me think...what constitutes a good dream for a baby? I mean, think about it, we adults can say that we have had a wealth of experiences, so we have nice have wet ones...but I digress. :P So, what on earth can make a baby smile? The only two reasons I can think of are these. One, Jaina is SWIMMING in a ocean of milk so she will never go hungry again (yay!). Two, Jaina is being faced with multiple nipples with much milk to go around!! Wait a minute, the second reason can also make some men smile in their sleep yah? Haha...from some alien movies I bet.

Thus, I figured with Jaina's VERY limited excess to world knowledge, I don't think her good and bad dreams extend very much beyond milk, milk and more milk. So, what do YOU think?

Monday, May 01, 2006

We Survived....

Today PJ and I head back to my mom's place after spending the weekend taking care of our little bundle ourselves. Well kinda.. PJ's Granny stayed over....BUT! We were back in our cosy little part of Redhill just us and the little princess.

We even managed a showing at church! During which our little one was communing with Jesus the entire time... :P Her eyes were closed in prayer speaking to our lord for almost 2 hours.... We've got a pious little smallie.