Thursday, May 04, 2006


Jaina had her head shaved after Labour Day!! Not that it was in conjunction with Labour Day or anything like that, it just so happened.

The decision was made by my mum-in-law one morning and the shaving was carried out soon after, during Jaina's nap. The finished product is kinda weird at first, not that Jaina had a whole mob of hair to start out with but with that little bit gone, it's a funny look.

And then, it hit me. My baby looked like a monk!! REALLY!! Please view Exhibit B.

But having said that, Jaina is the cutest monk around! Honestly, have you seen a cuter monk around? Hee...


Lovebell said...

Was there a reason for the shave? Err .. to stimulate greater hair growth?!

Princess J said...

Actually, babies' hair may fall out in patches some time after people shave so that their hair can grow back in unision. Haha...