Thursday, May 04, 2006

When babies dream...

I read in a book somewhere that research has shown that babies are capable of dreaming from the time they are in your womb. So, it's no wonder that they can also be dreaming during their sleep when they are born.

Well, Jaina DEFINITELY dreams during her sleep. How I know? That's because sometimes, she'll smile suddenly in her sleep. And I know she can't be smiling at me as her eyes are closed the whole time. Her smiles will disappear as abruptly as they come though, so can't really capture a picture to show you want I mean. And of course, there're times when she'll suddenly cry in her sleep and then, just as without warning, return to la la land.

Which makes me think...what constitutes a good dream for a baby? I mean, think about it, we adults can say that we have had a wealth of experiences, so we have nice have wet ones...but I digress. :P So, what on earth can make a baby smile? The only two reasons I can think of are these. One, Jaina is SWIMMING in a ocean of milk so she will never go hungry again (yay!). Two, Jaina is being faced with multiple nipples with much milk to go around!! Wait a minute, the second reason can also make some men smile in their sleep yah? Haha...from some alien movies I bet.

Thus, I figured with Jaina's VERY limited excess to world knowledge, I don't think her good and bad dreams extend very much beyond milk, milk and more milk. So, what do YOU think?

1 comment:

dopcombo said...

Perhaps happiness doesn't have anything to do with experiences? It's a just state of being.

Or maybe they are at the age where they have not been corrupted by the harsh realities of life and they are just happy because they are warm?

A physiological condition could be all that is needed to make a baby happy. Just like being full is good enough to make meowmes happy. :)