Friday, December 14, 2007

Day 10 - La Defense

As poor Darth Binky was still under the Paris weather, I thought we would take it easier lah. Do you know that the Metro and bus and RER folks were supposed to be out on strike on Wed and Thurs??!!!?!? Anyway, the strike was called off on Tues!! Iceman was telling us that this is the first time a strike had been called off!! I think it was the many 2 euros coins that I had dropped in the many churches. God decided not to punish these 2 poor sods (as it is, we are not going to finish covering Paris!!) 

So the Metro was running fine, the weather was actually not too bad but hubby not too good so we rested at home in the morning, cooked lunch, then we went to La Defense which is a business district and a hugh shopping mall. I was actually quite pleased that Darth Binky wanted to go out (even in his cannot-make it state) then I realised why - La Defense shopping mall has a Toys R Us.

Anyways, I was happy to be going out. 

Once there, there was a outdoor area with stalls selling all sorts of things. Goods from all over the world were sold there - things from PRC, Thailand, Russia, Africa, Germany, USA, Australia. The whole area of this "Christmas Market" was quite large, by the time we finished walking around, we used about 2 hours.

Then we went inside the shopping mall and I bought this lovely winter coat from Zara. It was on sale and still I ended up S$200 poorer... :P

Darth Binky got excited as it was Toys R Us time and we bee-lined for the Starwars section. He looked and looked but decided that there was nothing much to buy. The toys sold were either bought already or not worth buying it. Darth Binky left Toys R Us a broken man, he thought he was going to find many many goodies like we did when we were in Australia.

Last stop was to Auchan supermarket to grab some food for cooking and it's really like Giant or Carrefore in Singapore, one level of food stuff and another level of everything-else stuff. :) When Darth Binky saw the level of everything else, his whole spirit lit up again, Auchan will have a toy section too!! So we zoomed in to find the toy section but still, the selection was poorer than Toys R Us. Once again, Darth Binky was not a happy boy...

It was either the cold weather, the fact that Darth Binky was originally sick or the lack of good selection of Starwars toys, Darth Binky looked terrible and we headed home after Auchan...

My poor baby...


Lovebell said...

It sucks to be ill on a holiday. :( I can empathise. Thank goodness u didn't take baby jaina with u .. else it'll be another poor kiddo u gotta take care of.

You are doing quite a good job with this blog updating thingie. KEEP IT UP. I enjoy reading your posts.

Must show me ur zara jacket when u r back! :)

Princess J said...

Thanx for the encouragement about this blogging thing. Hubby sick so me doing writing.

But he complain my tenses are all wrong all the time... :(

chakster said...

Hey! I take offense at Jaina being referred to as kiddo! ;P