Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Babies Cost More Than Drugs

Today PJ had to go down to the hospital to meet a lactation specialist. Aheh...heh... Anyway she went down because our little milk piranha is up to 160 ml per feeding. Thats roughly the equivalent of a 3 month old baby (Either that or the people at Similac are a buncha lying b@$t@rds and she's falling behind on supply.

For those guys looking at a career in lactation therapy, lemme tell you what the job entails. Lots and lots of massaging women's boobies. Seems like a sweet deal init? Well after you've seen some of the pictures they have to show you of women with engorged breasts you might change your mind abit. Since we don't want to get banned we won't be showing any of those here (but I'm sure if you're curious enough you'll find pictures. :P)

But lets get back to what my post is supposed to be about. We were recommended to buy the Avent ISIS IQ Duo to solve our milk. Now there are breast pumps and there are BREAST PUMPS...This particular one is like the Ferrari of breast pumps. I mean dang man! It made the one PJ was using previously look like a kids toy. First of all it comes in its own carrying case, plus its double sided for twin breast pumping action and pump speed is controllable. Impressive....Most impressive (plus the pictures provided in the brochure of blissful looking women with 2 suction cups attached to their boobs was quite compelling). But the price. OMG. What to do, we have to feed our offspring.... The blady bugger who came up with the rubbish that breastfeeding was free should be shot. Not in this day and age brudder.....


dopcombo said...

well... breastfeeding is free.... but no one said anything about pumping. :P

Lovebell said...

Eh ... According to the self-sufficient milk production factory in our school hor, you must let baby suckle then it will stimulate the production of milk leh. Cos expressing apparently doesn't fully empty your milk ducts. Apparently, only the powerful sucking power of a baby can do that. So when you express ur milk, your body receives the signal that there is still reserve, so no need to produce more.

Perhaps that's why u r not producing enough?!